
The students of the ProRoma school participated for the first time in the carol festival organized by the School Inspectorate in partnership with Oradea City Hall. The event had 2 sections: the folk costume parade and the caroling competition. At the parade, children together with about 500 other children, proudly dressed in their traditional Roma costume and presented two carols, one carol in the Romani language and one in Romanian.

The performance of the children was appreciated, the children were praised and encouraged to participate in such events.

The 3rd prize which they obtained is an encouragement for them and for the school team to be more and more present at the activities and projects intended for the students of the county.



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It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas! With special thanks to our friends and partners from Boxes of Hope, Cumbria!


Happy Birthday Romania from the preschoolers at the ProRoma School in Tinca! 



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We chose to do this course, "The ABC of atypical children", because we want to know them in order to be able to know what is the border between clinical and non-clinical and to know some psychological principles for approaching these children.

We believe it was a successful event, with exceptional trainers, great participants interested in the subject, heldd in a suitable setting for learning and sharing experience.



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The refugee crisis has led to an unprecedented coalition of organizations, institutions and individuals. Involvement, initially as an emotional response, was structured and organized into concrete support services.

Between March and July 2022, more than 22 organizations (or associations of organizations*) were directly involved in the operation of the Assistance Center for refugees, providing more than 330 volunteers, with more than 4600 hours of volunteering.

Engagement has declined over time due to declining numbers but also declining or changing refugee needs.

To these are added the extraordinary support initiatives carried out by the Speranta Baptist Church - BBSO and the civic initiative Oradea alongside Ukraine (the Majestic initiative)*

#Răspunsulcomunitățiibihorenelanevoilerefugiatilor (The response of Bihor communities to the needs of refugeess) is a mapping activity, carried out by People to People as part of the project carried out between June and August 2022 and was financed by "Oxfam - Integration Program for Refugees", a program established with the support of Great Britain and the British government, coordinated at the national level by the Federation of Community Foundations from Romania - FFCR through the Oradea Community Foundation". Complementary activities in the project were carried out by the Şinca Foundation and Grund School

*the data of the two initiatives are not numerically integrated in the information above!





They say: "You are what you eat!" So we learned to eat healthy! In addition to teamwork, we also had an honorable culinary presentation.

Each class prepared a tasting stand, meticulously arranged and inviting. The little chefs cooked: vegetable salad, eggplant salad, fruit salad, potato salad and stuffed mushrooms, sandwiches, all a real work of art! The children were extremely dedicated, they tasted each other's dishes.... And, guess what, they liked to eat healthy! Our advice for you is to enjoy your food, eating healthy!

Thank you #BancaPentruAlimente for the products received.



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Because we love autumn and we also want to be fruitful, we decided to celebrate it together with the whole school!

Each class made a decoration that captured both elements of Roma culture and the charm of autumn with its fruits and colors! We were extremely pleased with the end result of this project! And to take our word for it, we leave you some pictures below.



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Strategising for the 2nd wave!

Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success!

Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results.

Thank you Dawn Hoffman, Pete Malkin and Martin van Hof! Thank you Oleg & Thank you Olga in UA!



Today the students and preschoolers of ProRoma School were visited by Danny Bain, a musician, composer and storyteller from America. The show, presented by him, was based on a story accompanied by the balafon, a xylophone specific to West Africa. The hall resounded with African songs and rhythms and was much loved and appreciated by the children.

The action was possible thanks to the beautiful collaboration with the Cătunul Verde Association, which facilitated the presence of the artist in the Tinca school during the International Storytelling Festival.



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The 2022 theme for the International Day of Peace is “Stop Racism. Let's consolidate peace".

On this day, the United Nations urges people to help create a world without racism, where everyone shows empathy and compassion.

The International Day of Peace was established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1981. 20 years later, in 2001, the General Assembly voted unanimously that on September 21, there should be no manifestations of violence.

In addition to the artistic works made by the children, the songs learned, stories and anecdotes read, we learned about the dove - the symbol of peace. And, during today's day, we invited one of the most famous pigeon fanciers in the area, who told the children about pigeons, how they are raised, how they are cared for, competitions they participate in, what they feed on, how they are prepared and trained for competitions, how they are motivated to return home, how they are treated and cared for after competitions.... extremely new and interesting things for both the children and the school team, after which the most beautiful moment of the day followed – the release of the pigeons.



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