The strategic planning meeting of the ProTECT platform ( which brings together 20 organizations with experience and expertise in the field of the fight against human trafficking in Romania.
The People to People Foundation is a member of the Board of Directors of the Platform represented by colleagues with recognized expertise in working directly with the victims of this phenomenon. Together with our colleagues, we set out (in addition to the prevention and specialized assistance activities we have been carrying out for over 10 years) to be much more active and visible at the community level and especially in front of decision-makers, who, through the their politics, can bring significant improvements in the fight against trafficking!
- Abolishion RO
- Adpare
- AIDRom
- Asociatia Alternative Sociale
- Armata Salvării România Betania Oradea
- CSD (Centrul pentru Studiul Democratiei)
- Dorcas
- eLiberare
- @Free
- Generație Tânără România
- Organizatia Institutul Bucovina
- International Justice Mission
- Justice and Care
- @liberatED
- LOGS Grup de Inițiative Sociale
- Fundatia Micu Bogdan
- Fundația Missio Link International
- Open Door Foundation
- People2People Foundation
- Radiant Hope
#united #platformaprotect #humantrafficking #Restore