On the last day of the holidays, 16 children from the ProRoma Tinca School embarked on a new adventure with Scooby Doo and his friends, together with the children from the Caritas Foundation St. Stefan Saniob Social Center and the #AsociatiaMereuImpreuna (#AlwaysTogetherAssociation).
For some of them it was their first experience at the cinema. The children had fun with Mister Nicu, with whom they danced and sang tirelessly at the office of #AsociatiaMereuImpreuna, they jumped on the trampoline, played football, ate delicious food, served cake and ice cream, took pictures with Minnie and Mickey Mouse.
We remain friends and plan future activities.
Thank you #CatunulVerde for being close to us.
More photos can be viewed on facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/people2people.ro/posts/3937331586317295