Humanitarian Aid News

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas! With special thanks to our friends and partners from Boxes of Hope, Cumbria!


Strategising for the 2nd wave!

Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success!

Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results.

Thank you Dawn Hoffman, Pete Malkin and Martin van Hof! Thank you Oleg & Thank you Olga in UA!



After days of planning and organizing but above all emotion, approximately 200 Ukrainians and Romanians (Romanians, Roma, Hungarians) participated on the 27th August in an event of intercultural connection, inner connection and of course fun! 

Seven hours in which we relaxed but were also creative, we did sports, but above all we interacted as members of the same community - a community that offers safety and is grateful for each of its members!

The food and snacks...especially the ice cream, were delicious!

Dear partners in the project funded by OXFAM – together we created memorable moments!

The project is financed by "Oxfam - Integration Program for Refugees", a program established with the support of Great Britain and the British government, coordinated at the national level by the Federation of Community Foundations in Romania - FFCR through the Oradea Community Foundation" and implimented locally by People to People Foundation, Şinca Foundation and Grund School- Grund Community




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mens sana in corpore sanoThe end of summer is approaching and we want to celebrate these three extraordinary months spent together with the beneficiaries of our projects, Ukrainian refugees and local beneficiaries.

On 27.08.2022 we are organizing a one-day event entitled "Mens Sana in Corpore Sano" at the headquarters of the ProRoma School in Tinca, Bihor county.

During the day, Ukrainian refugees and students of the ProRroma School (including their parents) will have:

  • sports activities and competitions, such as Exatlon (football match, volleyball, etc.);
  • recreational, socializing activities and facilitation of integration into Romanian society;
  • socialization, assistance and support group for parents;
  • preparation for the start of the new school year and access to different forms of education;
  • information and counseling of refugees regarding the continuation of their stay in Romania;
  • training sessions for children and adults on how to provide first aid assistance.

The financing of this project is carried out by "OXFAM - Integration Program for Refugees", a program established with the support of Great Britain and the British government, coordinated at the national level by the Federation of Community Foundations in Romania - FFCR, at the level of Bihor county being coordinated through the Oradea Community Foundation.

The partner organizations in this project are:

  • Oradea Community Foundation
  • Şinca Foundation
  • People2People Foundation
  • Ground School
  • Red Cross Bihor Branch
  • Oradea Food Bank


refugee supportWelcoming us in the places that have become their home in the last months.. we thought of welcoming them one by one in the environment where we carry out our activity; 

We continue this week with support activities for refugees from Ukraine:

  • individual and group counseling sessions;
  • distribution of kits with hygiene products;

The project financed by "Oxfam - Integration Program for Refugees", a program established with the support of Great Britain and the British government, coordinated at the national level by the Federation of Community Foundations in Romania - FFCR through the Oradea Community Foundation and implemented at the local level by the People to People Foundation, Şinca Foundation and Grund School- Grund Community"


Meetings with refugees continue both in small groups and individually....

  • Emotional support and psychological counseling prove extremely useful during this period.
  • Additional - Personal hygiene kits for children and teenagers come at the right moment!
  • The social mediator (with the role of translator as well) have the difficult task of translating including the emotions attached to the words they have to translate. The emotional burden of those who go through these moments is indescribable... and everything is transferred to those who try to support them.

But...we're here to help! 

Support and assistance for refugees and other vulnerable people!

The project is financed by "Oxfam - Integration Program for Refugees", a program established with the support of Great Britain and the British government, coordinated at the national level by the Federation of Community Foundations in Romania - FFCR through the Oradea Community Foundation and implemented at the local level by the People to People Foundation, Şinca Foundation and Grund School- Grund Community"


Through the Project financed by the "Oxfam-Integration Program for Refugees" and established with the support of Great Britain and the British government, coordinated at the national level by the Federation of Community Foundations in Romania through the Oradea Community Foundation, the People to People Foundation managed to make available to people refugees from Ukraine or other people from vulnerable groups services such as:

  • psychological counseling;
  • guidance;
  • kits with hygiene products;

The 23rd July 2022 aims at an activity that encompasses the three but also brings a new environment, intended to make the beneficiaries socialize, interact, as the activity brought together both refugees from Ukraine and Romanian and Roma children, students of the Prorroma School in Tinca (educational project of the People to People Foundation);

The day started with a lot of enthusiasm, everyone preparing for what will follow;  Although the trip did not foresee a lot of time spent on the road, a lot of impatience could be felt in the means of transport used; small obstacles were overcome with great optimism. The first part of the day was dedicated to socialization, therapy and recreation;  Lunch was taken together by all participants to strengthen the sense of belonging and integration; Hygiene kits were distributed;

The evening found us exhausted, but charged with energy, optimism and hope;

The project financed by "Oxfam - Integration Program for Refugees", a program established with the support of Great Britain and the British government, coordinated at the national level by the Federation of Community Foundations in Romania - FFCR through the Oradea Community Foundation and implemented at the local level by the People to People Foundation , Şinca Foundation and Grund School-Grund Community"



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counseling refugeesPeople to People Foundation supports Ukrainian refugees with free counselling sessions.

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The Oxfam-funded project - "Integration Program for Refugees", established with the support of Great Britain and the British Government, coordinated nationally by the Federation of Community Foundations in Romania - FFCR, implemented locally by the Oradea Community Foundation, along with People to People Foundation, Fundația Șinca and Grund School.


This summer, amongst our beautiful activities which are already known, we are deeply involved with the following:

  • integration support for refugees from Ukraine and vulnerable people from Romania
  • psychological counseling and support groups for refugees
  • mapping the response of the Bihor community to the needs of refugees from Ukraine

The project is taking place during June and July 2022 and financed by the "Integration Program for Refugees", a program established with the support of Great Britain and the British government, coordinated at the national level by the Federation of Community Foundations in Romania - FFCR through the Oradea Community Foundation and implemented at the national level locally by the People to People Foundation, the Şinca Foundation and Grund School-Grund Community"



Together we can do more! When the vulnerability turns into a risk situation - the involvement of social services and specialists must be decisive. And complementary support services further support the integration process!

The project is funded by the "Integration Program for Refugees", a program established with the support of Great Britain and the British government, coordinated at national level by the Federation of Community Foundations in Romania - FFCR through the Oradea Community Foundation and implemented locally by the People to People Foundation, Șinca Foundation and Grund School




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children in playground

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str. Republicii nr. 36
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