Humanitarian Aid News

After days of planning and organizing but above all emotion, approximately 200 Ukrainians and Romanians (Romanians, Roma, Hungarians) participated on the 27th August in an event of intercultural connection, inner connection and of course fun! 

Seven hours in which we relaxed but were also creative, we did sports, but above all we interacted as members of the same community - a community that offers safety and is grateful for each of its members!

The food and snacks...especially the ice cream, were delicious!

Dear partners in the project funded by OXFAM – together we created memorable moments!

The project is financed by "Oxfam - Integration Program for Refugees", a program established with the support of Great Britain and the British government, coordinated at the national level by the Federation of Community Foundations in Romania - FFCR through the Oradea Community Foundation" and implimented locally by People to People Foundation, Şinca Foundation and Grund School- Grund Community




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