
Yesterday at the House of Culture in Tinca, the students of Proroma School celebrated together with their colleagues from Dumbrava, Gepis, Lăzăreni, Husasău de Tinca, Cociuba Mare, on the occasion of the International Roma Day, organizing the second edition of the contest called "Roma Have Talent". The competition was divided into three sections: song, dance and poetry/theatre. The participants at the event are students and preschoolers from these localities! Every child has been intensely prepared, every artistic moment has been exceptional! 

Members of the judging panel had a really tough job in deliberating and awarding the prizes.

Special guest at the event was the magician Pasquale Cesarino from Milan - Italy, who started his first magic show at the age of 9 years old. His story, by magic, impressed the young audience in the auditorium, the children rewarding him with applause.

We thank the school team, our People-to-People Foundation colleagues, the 7 volunteers involved, the 19 teachers from the partner schools, the members of the jury and guests for their efforts. Thank you also to Denisa Luca, representative of the Teaching Staff House, the only public institution that responded to the invitation to participate in our event.

More photos can be viewed on facebook here:


Today, students from the 2nd grade class at the ProRma School in Tinca, learned about dental hygiene. 

We thank the students of the Faculty of Dentistry for their involvement.

More photos can be viewed on facebook here: 


More photos can be viewed on facebook here: 

Spring activities in the yard of the ProRoma Private Kindergarten & Primary School yard in Tinca!


Celebrating Mother’s Day at ProRoma school in Tinca

More photos can be viewed on facebook here: 

Today we've been thinking about future generations. We planted cherry and oak trees, in the shade of which we will be to sit in years to come. 

More photos can be viewed on facebook here:


We thank all those who have participated in the activities during the 3 days of events. They were beautiful, motivating and impactful activities!

"Women in general have a major role to play in the future of their own children, and the Roma woman should be seen as a major resource to be invested in and to be supported to change the destiny of the family or of a community to which it belongs. We, the professionals, have the power to tell them ‘Yes, you can!’ "

More photos can be viewed on facebook here:

Today, we received a visit from the fire brigade and ambulance at the ProRoma School in Tinca. The children were happy to learn about safety and new jobs, but what they enjoyed moat was the chance to explore the fire engine and ambulance!

More photos can be viewed on facebook here:

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world;  Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.

Spring is nature's way of saying, 'Let's Party!’  

“Spring adds new life and new beauty to all that is.”   

“Spring is when you feel like whistling, even with a shoe full of slush.”

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children in playground

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