
The holidays are waiting for us !!!  Congratulations to the children!

Congratulations to all those who have got stuck in to make the school year a memorable one for the children! 

Goodbye 4th grade. Make a good name for the school wherever you go. We are proud of you and we have full confidence that you will succeed. And when it will not be easy, we will still be here for you.

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The most diligent 44 students from ProRoma Tinca School spent today in the most pleasant way possible!

Thanks to our partners and volunteers

Oradea Community FoundationCătunul verde

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Today is the National Day of the Romani language.

ProRoma Tinca School celebrates it together with all our friends. Happy birthday to all those who love the Romani Language!


On International Children's Day, the children of the Tinca Roma community were celebrated in the courtyard of the ProRoma School.

There was music, dancing, sports games, painting, playing, goodwill, good food and volunteers.

We wanted them to feel special and valuable because that's how we feel about them and it is a privilege for us to be able to work with them.

God bless all the children and their families!

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Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time. – Thomas A. Edison

If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward. – Martin Luther King Jr


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stop human traffickingToday we are discussing a very great need in the field of assistance to victims of human trafficking, namely the creation and operation of an emergency fund (and not only) to support victims/survivors of human trafficking/trafficking of minors. We hope that the initiative will finally find its place in all the legislative mess and be assumed as important and a priority for the state institutions. (Of course the meeting will aim at creating the national fund for victims of crime, not just victims of human trafficking).

National Agency for the Administration of Unavailable Goods (Agenția Națională de Administrare a Bunurilor Indisponibilizate)
Ministry of Justice (Ministerul Justiției)
The Ministry of Finance (Ministerul Finanţelor)
National Agency Against Trafficking in Persons (Agentia Nationala Impotriva Traficului de Persoane)


"Children don't remember what you tried to teach them, but what you meant to them." (Jim Henson)

Yesterday was to be a day to create beautiful memories for the 45 children from Tinca who participated, in Oradea, throughout the day in workshops for creativity, games, sports training and film.

We believe in the potential of children, we believe that our investment has a real impact. We work together with their parents to raise children and young people full of passion and endowed / equipped with everything they need to cope in life.

Special thanks to all the volunteers and the team.

#TalentHasNoEthnicity Oradea Community Foundation

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It's the holidays! We're in school and we're enjoying learning new things.

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Life is like riding a bicycle, to keep your balance, you must keep moving! And we do.

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On the 50th anniversary of the first international congress of the Roma, since the adoption of the flag and anthem (Jelem, Jelem) as symbols of Roma identity, we at ProRoma Tinca School cannot celebrate as we would have liked, as we have been doing for several years. However, every day, we want to make school different, a school where the love of peers is the most important value, the place where the child feels comfortable enough to open up and want to grow, to learn, to grow up.

With them in mind, we try to fulfill our mission every day: WE WANT THEIR VOICE TO MATTER IN THE FUTURE.

But bers angle, romale!

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children in playground

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